Introduction To Ceramics Course

Introduction To Ceramics Course

Over two sessions, you will learn the main decorating techniques traditionally used in the ceramics of Triana, and you will find out first-hand about its history from our ceramicists and art historians themselves.

Duration: 6 hours (3 hours each day)

What we do?

  • We will give a brief explanation about the history of ceramics in Seville and the main decorating techniques involved in Sevillian ceramic production.
  • We will paint 4 tiles using different techniques: cuerda seca (dry cord), arista (raised lines), cubierta lisa (painted tiles) y esgrafiado (scraffito).
  • With the help of our studio potter, you will also create a piece on the pottery wheel.

What you need to bring?

Anything, just be ready to have some fun!

Price: 55 €

Note: only in SPANISH

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Payment can either be made via bank transfer, Paypal (with a small commission of 1,50 €), Bizum, or directly in cash at the workshop.

If this is a gift, just let us know the name of the person it is intended for and we will send you a personalized gift voucher in pdf.




About BarroAzul

BarroAzul was founded by Paula Felizón (Anthropologist and Ceramist) and Antonio Librero (Art Historian and Cultural Manager) who, from the distinct perspectives of their disciplines, have been working in the world of ceramics for years. After collaborating as documentalists at the Ceramics Centre of Triana, they decided to share their knowledge with visitors of Triana. 

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